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Mnangagwa sends birthday message to China's Xi Jinping

by Staff reporter
16 Jun 2024 at 09:08hrs | Views
President Mnangagwa extended his congratulations to Chinese President Xi Jinping on his 71st birthday, highlighting Xi's significant role in strengthening the bilateral relations between Zimbabwe and China. President Xi, born on June 15, 1953, in Beijing, received well wishes from Mnangagwa, who expressed appreciation for the ongoing cooperation between the two nations.

In his statement, President Mnangagwa conveyed the best wishes on behalf of his party ZANU-PF, the Zimbabwean government, and the people of Zimbabwe. He praised the robust bilateral relations and Xi's personal efforts in enhancing these ties. Mnangagwa expressed confidence that the relationship between Zimbabwe and China would continue to grow and explore new areas of cooperation for mutual benefit.

This congratulatory message comes in the context of the comprehensive strategic partnership established between Zimbabwe and China in April 2018, aimed at deepening the cooperation between the two countries.

Source - The Sunday Mail