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Zanu-PF reads riot act to its MPs over food

by Staff reporter
16 Jun 2024 at 09:14hrs | Views
ZANU-PF has instructed its members of Parliament (MPs) to refrain from participating in food aid distribution programs following reports of widespread corruption within the party. This decision comes amid allegations that some ZANU-PF officials have been diverting grain intended for distribution to needy communities, thereby leaving deserving beneficiaries hungry.

The government initiated the food aid distribution program in response to the severe El Nino-induced drought, which has placed millions of Zimbabweans at risk of food insecurity. President Emmerson Mnangagwa declared the drought a national disaster and appealed for US$3 billion in food aid.

According to a report by the Anti-Corruption Trust of Southern Africa, the food aid distribution process, particularly in Zhombe, Midlands, has been marred by corruption and theft. Allegations suggest that ZANU-PF officials have been unlawfully appropriating and misappropriating food supplies meant for drought-affected populations. This revelation has sparked public outrage, questioning the integrity and accountability of those entrusted with aid distribution.

The report also highlighted concerns about the alleged use of intimidation tactics by ZANU-PF, where individuals who do not attend party meetings purportedly face denial or rationing of food aid. ACT SA strongly condemned the politicization of food aid, emphasizing the need for transparent and accountable distribution practices.

In response to these developments, Pupurai Togarepi, ZANU-PF's chief whip in Parliament, issued a directive instructing party MPs to avoid involvement in food aid distribution activities. Togarepi emphasized that the distribution of food should be left to established government structures and that MPs should instead focus on facilitating access to aid distribution points for their constituents.

Government estimates, supported by humanitarian agencies, suggest that approximately six million Zimbabweans may require food aid until the next harvest season. The United Nations has launched a flash appeal to raise US$429.3 million in humanitarian assistance aimed at feeding at least 3.1 million vulnerable Zimbabweans.

Source - the standard
More on: #Zanu-PF, #Food, #Riot_act