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Zacc to interview Wicknell Chivayo over possible money laundering

by Staff reporter
16 Jun 2024 at 15:25hrs | Views
The Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission says it is investigating possible money laundering in the ZEC US$40 million contract to supply election materials and will be interviewing businessmen Wicknell Chivayo, Mike Chimombe and Moses Mpofu as part of that probe.

Chivayo, a controversial Zimbabwean businessman, is embroiled in a scandal involving claims that he has captured President Emmerson Mnangagwa. 
This controversy arose from an alleged audio recording in which Chivayo boasts about his influence over the President and mentions other lucrative government deals due to his proximity to powerful figures. 
The audio, which includes a US$40 million tender from the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) for last year's elections, has led to a backlash from both government and Zanu PF officials.

Chivayo's recent prominence at state functions and his donations to Mnangagwa's supporters have been under scrutiny, raising questions about his wealth sources. The ongoing scandal might signify the end of his favorable status and possible legal challenges ahead.

Zanu PF warned Chivayo to stop using Mnangagwa's name in his dealings, and the party's youth league called for an investigation into his conduct. 
Chivayo issued a statement distancing himself from the audio and blaming his business partners, Mike Chimombe and Moses Mpofu, for trying to extort him. He also apologized to Mnangagwa and other influential individuals mentioned in the recording.

Source - online