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Dinson Colliery expansion to boost production, exports

by Staff reporter
17 Jun 2024 at 08:57hrs | Views
Hwange-based Dinson Colliery has launched Phase Four of its operations, featuring 85 coke oven batteries, to enhance infrastructure, boost production, and expand exports. Currently, the company operates three phases, producing 1,500 tonnes of metallurgical coke daily at a multi-million-dollar plant. The coke is in high demand locally and regionally, particularly by smelting companies.

Dinson Colliery engages in coking coal, coal washing, coal tar recovery, and processing. It exports high-quality coke to South Africa, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), and Zambia. The company aims to strengthen its competitive position in the coal industry for long-term sustainability, driven by growth in the construction industry and infrastructure development since the start of the Second Republic.

A subsidiary of Tsingshan Holding Group, Dinson Colliery began constructing its Metallurgical Coke Oven Battery in 2019, starting operations in 2021. Tsingshan Group, one of the world's largest iron and steel makers, recently opened Africa's largest steel plant in Manhize, Mvuma.

With the activation of Phase Four, Dinson Colliery anticipates increased production, export volumes, workforce, and revenue. Sales and Marketing Officer Norman Shoko revealed that the 85 new coke oven batteries are expected to start production in two months. The company plans to increase exports, particularly to northern markets, and aims to boost government revenue.

Currently, Dinson produces 1,500 tonnes of metallurgical coke daily, with plans to increase this as Phase Four comes online. The company holds over 100,000 tonnes of metallurgical coke in stock and looks forward to securing more markets. Dinson has created about 800 jobs for locals.

Source - The Chronicle
More on: #Disco, #Dinson, #Exports