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Zanu-PF businesspeople reject ZiG

by Staff reporter
17 Jun 2024 at 09:02hrs | Views
Zanu-PF political commissar Munyaradzi Machacha has called for the arrest of businesspeople affiliated with the party who refuse to accept the Zimbabwe Gold (ZiG), the country's newly introduced currency aimed at stabilizing the economy. Machacha emphasized the importance of leading by example, stating that Zanu-PF members should support government policies, including the adoption of ZiG.

He highlighted reports of a supermarket owned by a senior Zanu-PF official in Bulawayo that does not accept ZiG for certain products, despite its introduction in April to replace the struggling local currency. Machacha stressed the need for discipline and ethical conduct among party members and suggested that those rejecting ZiG should face consequences to uphold party principles and support national policies.

Machacha concluded that such actions undermine efforts by the party and its leadership to build economic stability and must be dealt with accordingly to maintain unity and adherence to government initiatives.

Source - newsday
More on: #Zig, #Zanu-pf, #Reject