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Zimbabwe war vets mull forming political party

by Staff reporter
17 Jun 2024 at 13:10hrs | Views
A faction within the Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans Association (ZNLWVA), allegedly linked to President Emmerson Mnangagwa, fears that some members aim to transform the ZNLWVA into a political party to challenge the ruling Zanu-PF. This move is reportedly inspired by former South African President Jacob Zuma, who led the ANC’s military wing, uMkhonto weSizwe, to form an opposition party, thereby disrupting the ANC's majority.

A meeting in Harare, co-chaired by War Veterans Minister Monica Mavhunga and Acting Public Service Minister Lovemore Matuke, saw Moffat Marashwa's faction walk out in protest, accusing the government of using the ZNLWVA to lay the groundwork for a new opposition party. Marashwa's group expressed concern over government interference and emphasized their commitment to the ZNLWVA’s original objective of improving veterans' welfare. Another faction leader, Andrease Mathibela, denied any intention of forming a new party, insisting their focus is on national issues.

The internal dispute underscores the growing dissatisfaction among war veterans with Mnangagwa's administration, especially over their welfare, and hints at potential political shifts within Zimbabwe's veteran community.

Source - the standard
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