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Babra Rwodzi slams lies peddled against Mnangagwa's wife

by Staff reporter
20 Jun 2024 at 07:21hrs | Views
The Ministry of Tourism and Hospitality Industry has strongly denied allegations by some media outlets that First Lady Dr. Auxillia Mnangagwa is profiting from the sale of the national fabric.

The ministry clarified that the Zimbabwe National Fabric is distributed through Zimbabwe Tourism Authority Provincial offices at a regulated price of USD$4 per meter, significantly reduced from the previous range of USD$9 to $12.

Tourism and Hospitality Industry Minister Babra Rwodzi emphasized that only selected outlets distribute the fabric at the official price and urged the public to take pride in their national identity through the National Fabric.

She condemned the false claims against the First Lady, praising her for launching the initiative to promote Zimbabwean culture and heritage.

Source - The Chronicle