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Bulawayo family homeless after arson attack

by Staff reporter
21 Jun 2024 at 11:07hrs | Views
A family in the Queens Park East suburb of Bulawayo has been traumatized by a house fire caused by arson. An unidentified man used petrol and a mop to set their house ablaze, destroying possessions worth approximately US$15,000.

Charles Phiri, the homeowner, described arriving home to find the house on fire and witnessing a young man fleeing in a silver Honda Fit. Despite the fire brigade's timely arrival, the fire, exacerbated by an exploding gas tank, left the family with nothing but the clothes they were wearing. They lost all their property, money, and crucial documents.

The family is appealing to the public for help, as their family business and capital have been completely destroyed.

Bulawayo City Council Ward 3 Councillor Mxolisi Mahlangu and the Vice Chairperson of the Queens Park East Residents Association, Peter Chinjekure, have called for community assistance. Residents and churches have begun donating groceries, clothes, and blankets to the affected family.

Bulawayo Provincial Police Spokesperson Inspector Abednico Ncube confirmed the arson and announced a manhunt for the suspect. The police are seeking information from the public that could lead to the arrest of the arsonist.

Well-wishers can reach out to the family for support through the contact details provided.

Source - bmetro
More on: #Family, #Arson, #Attack