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CCC evicted from offices

by Staff reporter
23 Jun 2024 at 06:19hrs | Views
In Bulawayo, a power struggle within the opposition has intensified as the MDC, led by Douglas Mwonzora, reclaimed party offices from a faction aligned with Sengezo Tshabangu of the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC). 

These offices, previously belonging to Morgan Tsvangirai's MDC and later the MDC Alliance, had been painted blue in February, symbolizing Nelson Chamisa's faction preparing for a new political party after losing control of the CCC.
Mwonzora's faction, backed by a court order, asserted ownership of the offices, which were repainted red with Mwonzora's image prominently displayed. The MDC spokesperson, Lloyd Damba, emphasized that these properties were legally acquired by the MDC and criticized the CCC for allegedly seizing them without proper ownership rights.

In response, Jacob Mafume, spokesperson for Tshabangu's CCC faction, accused Mwonzora's group of disregarding legal processes and potentially inciting violence. Mafume denied knowledge of the safe houses allegedly targeted by Mwonzora's camp, emphasizing the CCC's focus on electoral activities rather than property disputes.

The rift deepened earlier when Tshabangu took control of the CCC from Chamisa, prompting Chamisa's resignation and accusations that Tshabangu was aligned with Zanu-PF, a charge Tshabangu denies. The power struggle has significant political implications, including Zanu-PF's increased parliamentary majority following Tshabangu's actions to recall CCC legislators.

Chamisa, meanwhile, has not disclosed his future political plans amid these developments.

Source - southern eye