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Robbers shoot smuggler dead

by Staff reporter
25 Jun 2024 at 10:43hrs | Views
POLICE in Beitbridge are investigating a case of murder which occurred on 22 June along Beitbridge-Panda Mine Road near Tongwani Village.

"Three unknown suspects shot dead a cross border smuggler, Philmon Chamunorwa Tongoona (33) with an unidentified firearm. The suspects pounced on the victim and his employee whilst they were guarding groceries, gas stoves and blankets which had been packed in a trailer being towed by an Isuzu KB250 vehicle. The trailer had developed a mechanical fault along the way from Panda Mine, Gate 2, Beitbridge," said Commissioner Nyathi.

He said the suspects attacked the victim's employee before stealing a cellphone and US$150.

"Subsequently, the victim ran away from the scene and was shot in the back. The suspects stole goods and fled from the scene. Anyone with information should contact National Complaints Desk on (0242) 703631 or WhatsApp on 0712 800 107 or report at any nearest police station," said Commissioner Nyathi.

Source - The Chronicle