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Former CCC MPs involved in car accident

by Staff reporter
25 Jun 2024 at 13:24hrs | Views
Former legislators Dubeko Sibanda and Pashor Sibanda were recently in a car accident, marking the second incident involving them in two years. Fortunately, both are reportedly safe after their vehicle hit a donkey and collided with a Honda Fit a few kilometers outside Bulawayo.

The accident occurred as Pashor and Prince Dubeko were driving back from Mashonaland East at night. Just before reaching Bulawayo, a donkey suddenly appeared on the road, causing them to strike it and subsequently lose control of their truck.

Images shared on social media depict the Honda Fit heavily damaged on the driver's side, indicating where it was impacted. The deceased donkey can also be seen lying by the roadside, a result of the collision with Pashor and Prince Dubeko's truck.

This isn't the first time Pashor Sibanda, the former Cowdray Park legislator, has been involved in a car accident. Shortly after the August 2023 elections, he survived another car accident in September of that year.

Source - online