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Mnangagwa warns those intending to protest during SADC summit

by Staff reporter
27 Jun 2024 at 08:29hrs | Views
President Mnangagwa has emphasized that the government will not tolerate any form of mischief or disturbances, particularly as Zimbabwe prepares to host the 44th SADC Heads of State and Government Summit in August. Speaking at the 377th Ordinary Session of the Zanu-PF Politburo in Harare, he warned that law enforcement agents are ready to address any attempts to disrupt the country's peace and stability.

President Mnangagwa accused opposition elements of trying to attract attention and relevance through dissent ahead of the summit. He asserted that any unruly behavior, in collaboration with detractors, would be dealt with firmly by the government, stressing that the law will take its course without bias.

In his address, the President also called on war veterans to unite and guard against infiltration. He directed the leadership of the War Veterans League to address internal divisions within the group, which is crucial for both the party and the country. This comes after the Zimbabwe Liberation War Veterans Association postponed its elective congress twice.

President Mnangagwa highlighted the importance of maintaining the principles and discipline of the revolutionary movement. He emphasized that Zanu-PF is a constitution-based party with a rich liberation history and that adherence to party rules is crucial. He warned against counter-revolutionary behavior and stressed the importance of unity, peace, and loyalty within the party.

He also reaffirmed Zanu-PF's commitment to advancing Pan-African unity, independence, and sustainable development. The President called for continued modernization and industrialization to grow Zimbabwe's economy and create a conducive environment for national development.

President Mnangagwa urged Politburo members to provide strong leadership and honest guidance, stressing that the party's interests must come before personal ambitions. He commended the Women's and War Veterans Leagues for their recent meetings and encouraged farmers to prepare for the upcoming 2024/2025 summer cropping season.

The Zanu-PF Central Committee meeting is scheduled for today, followed by the National Consultative Assembly indaba tomorrow.

Source - The Herald