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Victoria Falls set to boom as China seals massive investment deals

by Staff reporter
27 Jun 2024 at 08:29hrs | Views
Matabeleland North, particularly the greater Victoria Falls community, is set for significant development driven by strengthened bilateral relations with China. Recently, Victoria Falls hosted delegations from Shandong Province and Linfen City in Shanxi Province to explore partnerships and investments.

The Shandong delegation engaged with local stakeholders, including Provincial Affairs Minister Richard Moyo and government departments, before visiting Hwange for further insights into tourism and industry. Meanwhile, the Linfen delegation participated in the "Impression Linfen" economic, trade, and cultural exchange, resulting in the signing of three Memoranda of Understanding with established Chinese businesses in the region.

This cultural exchange, facilitated by Wild Africa Travel, underscores Victoria Falls' strategic positioning in China's business, tourism, mining, and cultural spheres, aligning with Zimbabwe's "open for business" initiative. Since establishing ties in 2017, these exchanges have fostered mutual tourism promotion and investment, interrupted only briefly by the pandemic.

The event featured vibrant cultural performances from Victoria Falls and Linfen City, highlighting the role of culture in boosting tourism. Secretary Li Yunfeng of the Linfen Municipal Committee emphasized the exchange's role in enhancing cooperation, friendship, and mutual understanding, in line with President Xi Jinping's directives.

Linfen, known for its Yellow River and Hukou Waterfall, continues to lead Shanxi Province economically, reinforcing its appeal as a tourist destination. Acting Victoria Falls mayor Councillor Priscilla Mhlanga affirmed the partnership's significance in promoting unity and growth.

The event attracted stakeholders from both public and private sectors, marking a milestone in bilateral relations aimed at mutual development and prosperity.

Source - The Chronicle