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Man survives gun attack at illegal roadblock

by Staff reporter
27 Jun 2024 at 06:51hrs | Views
In Silobela, Midlands, a 19-year-old man named Clever Siwawa narrowly escaped a life-threatening encounter with suspected armed robbers at an illegal roadblock. 
On June 21 at 1:50am, Siwawa and his friends were traveling home from Cross Roads business center when they encountered three unknown men who attempted to stop them. Sensing danger, Siwawa and his friends fled in different directions, prompting one of the men to fire a shot that struck Siwawa in the abdomen.
Siwawa managed to make it home and reported the incident to his uncle, who then alerted the Silobela police. Swift action by the police led to the arrest of two suspects, Samson Mhlanga (20) and Costa Ncube (46), both from areas under Chief Malisa in Silobela. They were apprehended at Parker business center later that morning and will face trial for attempted murder.

Siwawa received medical treatment and was discharged from the hospital following the incident. Inspector Emmanuel Mahoko, the Midlands provincial police spokesperson, emphasized the illegality of the roadblock and thanked the public for their assistance in apprehending the suspects.

Source - southern eye