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Public transport overloading increases road accidents

by Staff reporter
27 Jun 2024 at 06:55hrs | Views
Paul Makiwa, Secretary-General of the Zimbabwe Passengers Association, has called on the government to ban public transport operators who overload their vehicles, citing their role in the surge of fatal road accidents. In a recent statement, Makiwa emphasized the urgent need for government intervention to address the alarming rate of road traffic accidents.

He criticized what he described as a "culture of impunity" within the transport industry, highlighting cases where overloaded vehicles, unlicensed drivers, and touts operate freely despite the disastrous consequences. Makiwa expressed deep concern over the deteriorating safety of Zimbabwe's roads, labeling them as death traps where passengers frequently lose their lives or sustain life-altering injuries.

Accusing government ministers, particularly Felix Mhona of Transport and Kazembe Kazembe of Home Affairs, of negligence, Makiwa demanded accountability for their failure to mitigate the transport crisis. He accused them of overlooking their duties while passengers suffer on unsafe roads.

Makiwa also condemned widespread corruption in the sector, alleging that offenders often evade punishment through bribery. He lamented the lack of accountability and responsibility when accidents occur, stressing the dire need for improved road maintenance to prevent accidents exacerbated by poor conditions, especially during the rainy season.

Source - newsday