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Mnangagwa reads riot act

by Staff reporter
27 Jun 2024 at 08:27hrs | Views
0President Emmerson Mnangagwa addressed mounting internal divisions within Zanu-PF during a politburo meeting, urging party leaders to prioritize national economic growth over factional interests. He emphasized the party's constitution-based structure, its history rooted in the liberation war, and the importance of adhering to party rules and ideology.

Mnangagwa stressed the need for unity, warning against factionalism and emphasizing collective responsibility within Zanu-PF. He criticized calls from disgruntled war veterans, led by Blessed Geza, for Cabinet and politburo reshuffles, cautioning against disruptions that could weaken the party's unity and stability.

The president rebuked factional maneuvers within the war veterans' league, directing efforts towards closing internal divides according to party protocols. Mnangagwa underscored the strategic importance of the war veterans' league within Zanu-PF and urged for internal cohesion ahead of their upcoming elective congress.

Ahead of a meeting with Zanu-PF central committee members, Mnangagwa called for vigilance against external influences and reaffirmed the party's commitment to the revolution. He emphasized the need for collective vigilance to safeguard against infiltration and betrayal of the party's principles.

The war veterans are scheduled to hold their congress later this year, with internal cohesion and adherence to party guidelines set as key priorities moving forward.

Source - newsday