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Zimra sabotaging ZiG, says MP

by Staff reporter
27 Jun 2024 at 08:27hrs | Views
Legislator Discent Bajila of the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) criticized the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (Zimra) for allegedly undermining confidence in the Zimbabwe Gold (ZiG) currency. 
Bajila raised concerns in the National Assembly after Zimra announced auctions of equipment exclusively priced in United States dollars, refusing local currency payments.
Bajila accused Zimra of displaying a lack of faith in the local currency and urged Finance Minister Mthuli Ncube to intervene. He emphasized that restricting payments to US dollars, even for second-hand goods, showed contempt for the local currency. National Assembly Speaker Jacob Mudenda acknowledged Bajila's concerns and suggested following up with the Finance Minister for further clarification.

The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe had introduced the Zimbabwe Gold (ZiG) currency in April to stabilize against inflation. Despite this effort, confidence in the new currency has been shaky. The international currency code shifted from ZiG to Zimbabwe Gold (ZWG), effective June 25, 2024, to align with global standards.

Critics, including economic analysts, have called for government departments to lead by accepting the new currency to build public trust. They argue that broader acceptance is crucial for Zimbabweans to embrace the ZiG currency fully.

Source - newsday