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Zanu-PF MP calls for ban on reporters

by Staff reporter
27 Jun 2024 at 09:24hrs | Views
Zanu PF Buhera West MP Tafadzwa Mugwadi has urged President Emmerson Mnangagwa's spokesman George Charamba to ban journalists from covering events and functions at State House.

In a fascist input on the issue on X (formerly Twitter), Mugwadi, a vocal opposition MDC activist-turned Zanu PF propaganda mouthpiece and now legislator, says:

"If I were you Mhofu (Charamba), these disrespectful stupids would not ever set their dirty feet at State House. For goodness sake, even if u hate him so much, a media house worth its existence would not go on a diatribe against a Presidential communication valve this way. Close the door mhofu."

Source - online