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Woman hires thugs to kidnap ex-hubby's wife

by Staff reporter
28 Jun 2024 at 07:36hrs | Views
Four men appeared before the Shurugwi Magistrates' Court facing kidnapping charges.

According to the National Prosecuting Authority of Zimbabwe (NPAZ), on June 16, the accused - Kaliwe Phiri (31), Kelvin Sibanda (35), Brighton Muchida (28), and Grace Mangara (30) - kidnapped a woman and her baby from their home in Furusa Village, Chief Nhema area in Shurugwi, and took them to Mupambwa Village. Their intention was to use them as bait to lure the complainant's husband.

The kidnappers demanded that the woman's husband explain why he had divorced the first accused and married the complainant. They also demanded compensation for the time he had spent with his ex-wife, threatening to take the complainant to Kwekwe if he failed to comply.

The complainant and her baby were held overnight, and the next morning, the kidnappers attempted to take her to Kwekwe. However, they abandoned this plan and left her at a service station near her home.

Three of the accused—Phiri, Sibanda, and Mangara—pleaded guilty and were sentenced to 18 months imprisonment. Muchida, the third accused, pleaded not guilty and will be tried separately.

Source - The Chronicle