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CCC supporters, police clash at court

by Staff reporter
28 Jun 2024 at 07:41hrs | Views
Several Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) supporters were arrested at Harare Magistrates' Courts after clashes with anti-riot police. The unrest followed the denial of bail for 78 CCC activists. Magistrate Ruth Moyo's decision to deny bail sparked dissatisfaction among CCC supporters present, leading to clashes with police.

During the incident, three CCC supporters were arrested by anti-riot police deployed at the court. Lawyer Agency Gumbo, representing the activists, was instructed by police to speak to journalists outside. However, tensions escalated quickly, resulting in police intervention against CCC protesters.

Among those arrested was a woman allegedly married to Teacher Hondongwa, one of the detained activists. She was reportedly detained at Harare Central Police Station for displaying a placard demanding the release of Hondongwa and others.

Harare provincial police spokesperson Inspector Luckmore Chakanza was not available for comment, directing inquiries to national police spokesperson Commissioner Paul Nyathi, who could not be reached.

Magistrate Moyo defended her decision, stating that granting bail to the activists could undermine the rule of law and jeopardize public safety and police credibility. Prosecutor Thomas Chanakira alleged that the activists were involved in an unsanctioned gathering and behaved riotously, leading to injuries among police officers who intervened.

Source - newswday