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Mnangagwa rattled by ANC poor poll showing

by Staff reporter
28 Jun 2024 at 07:43hrs | Views
President Emmerson Mnangagwa expressed concern over recent electoral setbacks faced by former liberation movements in the Sadc region, particularly noting the African National Congress (ANC) of South Africa's loss of its parliamentary majority. The ANC garnered 40.18% in the elections, with the Democratic Alliance (DA) at 21.81% and uMkonto Wesizwe at 14.58%, forcing President Cyril Ramaphosa to form a government of national unity.

Mnangagwa, addressing the Zanu-PF central committee, emphasized solidarity among former liberation movements in the face of perceived attacks. He warned against destabilization efforts within Zimbabwe, pledging to maintain security and peace. Mnangagwa also cautioned against factionalism within Zanu-PF, urging members to focus on national development and economic growth.

Recent discontent within Zanu-PF, highlighted by calls for Cabinet reshuffles from war veterans and other factions, has added to internal challenges. Mnangagwa underscored the need for unity within the party, emphasizing collective efforts over personal ambitions.

Source - newsday