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Councils fail to meet Mnangagwa's deadline

by Staff reporter
01 Jul 2024 at 03:52hrs | Views
Most local authorities in Zimbabwe missed President Mnangagwa's deadline to submit their development masterplans by June 30, 2024. Along with the masterplans, they were also required to submit functional Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) strategies and valuation rolls. This directive was part of the President's "Call to Action - No Compromise to Service Delivery" blueprint launched last November.

The blueprint emphasizes the importance of planning to curb unplanned settlements, particularly in urban areas, and calls for fully fledged planning departments in all local authorities. While some councils, like Bulawayo, submitted their masterplans on time, others, including Harare and Chitungwiza, failed to meet the deadline. Harare's Mayor Jacob Mafume mentioned the need for more stakeholder consultations, while Chitungwiza Municipality sought an extension.

Local Government and Public Works Minister Daniel Garwe confirmed that some councils had submitted their masterplans but did not disclose the consequences for those that missed the deadline. The blueprint mandates bi-annual review meetings chaired by the President to assess local authorities' performance and ensure service delivery improvement. The President has also warned that incompetent and corrupt officials should be removed and has appointed a commission to investigate Harare City Council's operations since 2017.

The deterioration of service delivery, especially in urban areas like Harare, includes challenges with water supply, garbage collection, road maintenance, and street lighting. Masterplans are comprehensive land use documents that outline policies and strategies for development, focusing on water supply, road networks, housing, environmental management, and transportation. They include detailed maps, aerial photographs, illustrations, and statistical data to support the planning vision.

Source - The Herald