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Mnangagwa affirms ongoing development ahead of SADC Summit

by Staff reporter
01 Jul 2024 at 12:22hrs | Views
President Mnangagwa highlighted ongoing modernisation efforts, stressing that development will persist beyond the upcoming SADC Summit in August. Infrastructure projects, including roadworks and the construction of new villas and hotel refurbishments, are progressing well.

During an interview after touring key sites like the new Parliament Building and Mt Hampden Cybercity, President Mnangagwa expressed satisfaction with the progress. He affirmed the country's commitment to transforming infrastructure as part of its journey towards achieving an empowered upper middle-income status.

The President assured that by August, Zimbabwe will be fully prepared to host a memorable SADC Summit, with adequate facilities and enhanced city developments. He praised the preparatory efforts and urged Zimbabweans to extend hospitality to visiting delegations.

At the Zanu-PF National Consultative Assembly, President Mnangagwa shared his impressions of the tour, commending contractors for their dedication. He emphasized that such infrastructure projects are laying the foundation for Zimbabwe to host more international conferences in the future.

The ongoing modernisation initiatives, according to President Mnangagwa, signify a broader transformation agenda that will benefit all regions of the country.

Source - The Herald