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Goat-gate opens can of worms

by Staff reporter
01 Jul 2024 at 12:18hrs | Views
Moses Mpofu and Mike Chimombe, currently in remand prison over a US$7 million fraud charge, allegedly used similar fraudulent methods to secure funds for projects at the Harare City Council (HCC) through Mpofu's company, Synlak (Pvt) Limited, but failed to deliver on their commitments. An audit report obtained by NewsDay reveals discrepancies, including overpayments and non-compliance with contractual obligations.

Mpofu's company, Synlak, was reportedly awarded contracts despite previous failures to deliver on projects, such as a biogas digester in Mbare and a crematorium unit at Warren Hills Cemetery. The audit highlights instances where Synlak received payments without satisfactory completion of work, leading to overpayments totaling US$190,000 for the crematorium project alone.

Harare mayor Jacob Mafume criticized the council's handling of these contracts, revealing concerns about corruption and mismanagement. The situation has prompted calls from Harare Residents Ratepayers Trust for accountability and transparency within the council, describing it as a "crime scene" where cartels allegedly operate with impunity.

Mafume, while acknowledging the issues raised, clarified that he was not in office when the contracts with Mpofu and Chimombe were executed. The revelations underscore ongoing challenges with governance and oversight at HCC, amidst allegations of collusion and financial mismanagement involving public funds.

Source - newsday