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Mnangagwa claims infrastructure developments not only for SADC Summit

by Staff reporter
01 Jul 2024 at 04:09hrs | Views
President Emmerson Mnangagwa announced plans to extend the infrastructure developments currently underway in Harare to other provinces as part of Zimbabwe's broader modernization initiative. Speaking at the ZANU-PF National Consultative Assembly, he highlighted the ongoing upgrades, including roads and housing in Mt Hampden, and renovations to hotels ahead of the SADC summit.

Under the Second Republic, significant strides have been made in rural and urban infrastructure, with notable advancements in dam construction, road networks, and power generation facilities. Mnangagwa assured assembly members that the Road Rehabilitation and Construction Programme would expand to provinces and districts nationwide.

He emphasized the government's commitment to modernizing social services, citing new health centers and schools funded through the devolution agenda. Services such as national ID and passport issuance have also been decentralized for easier access.

Mnangagwa praised local expertise and educational institutions for their role in human capital development, highlighting the New City venue for the upcoming SADC Summit as a testament to local contractor capability and self-reliance, achieved without external funding.

Encouraging youth involvement in national development, Mnangagwa stressed the importance of self-reliance and the role of Heritage Based Education 5.0 in equipping graduates with skills beneficial to community and economic growth. Innovation hubs and industrial parks are part of efforts to bolster manufacturing and industry, aligning with the National Development Strategy one's focus on rural industrialization.

The Second Republic continues to prioritize infrastructure development as part of its strategy for economic advancement and inclusive growth.

Source - online