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'Jah Prayzah' receives Parliamentary vehicle

by Staff reporter
01 Jul 2024 at 11:33hrs | Views
Stanley Sakupwanya, a Zanu-PF Manicaland youth leader nicknamed "Jah Prayzah" due to his striking resemblance and towering height, is celebrating after receiving a luxurious parliamentary vehicle, a Ford Ranger. He secured his seat in Parliament through the youth quota system and has become a notable figure in Zimbabwe's new Parliament.

Sakupwanya, aged 34 and standing over two meters tall, received his vehicle keys in the capital this week, joining other legislators in receiving their vehicles from the government.

Zanu-PF chief whip Pupurai Togarepi confirmed the distribution of vehicles, emphasizing their role in facilitating legislators' work in their constituencies.

Sakupwanya, known for his academic achievements including studying at Kwazulu Natal University in South Africa, is recognized for his leadership within Zanu-PF's youth league and pledges to advocate for policies that empower youths across the country.

Source - newsday