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Zec facing legal action

by Staff reporter
03 Jul 2024 at 11:27hrs | Views
The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (Zec) is facing legal action over a controversial US$40 million tender awarded to businessmen linked to Zanu-PF for the procurement of electoral materials ahead of the disputed August 2023 election.

Wicknell Chivayo, a convicted fraudster and tenderpreneur, confirmed in leaked audios that his company, in partnership with Mike Chimombe and Moses Mpofu through Betterbrands Security (Pvt) Ltd, secured the tender from Zec.
Betterbrands Security is owned by Zanu-PF's Mabvuku MP, Pedzisayi "Scott" Sakupwanya. A private citizen, 
Tapiwanashe Chiriga, acting through his lawyers from Wilmot and Bennett Legal Practitioners, has demanded that Zec provide detailed information regarding the tender process. This includes the bidding process used, publication details, procurement records, contract terms, and payment details, citing obligations under Zimbabwean law for transparency and accountability in public procurement.
Parliament's Public Accounts Committee has also summoned Zec to answer questions about the tender, amid reports that some of the electoral materials have yet to be delivered despite payments made by the Treasury.

Source - newsday