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Chimombe evicted

by Staff reporter
03 Jul 2024 at 10:30hrs | Views
Mike Chimombe, already embroiled in legal troubles related to alleged fraud and corruption scandals, faces further setbacks as his company, Millytake Enterprises (Private) Limited, has been evicted from its offices in Eastlea, Harare. The eviction comes amidst ongoing court cases where Chimombe and his business partner Moses Mpofu are accused of defrauding the government of over US$7 million intended for the Presidential Goat Pass-on Scheme, and their involvement in securing a controversial US$40 million tender from the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (Zec).

Millytake Enterprises, established in 2008 and co-owned by Chimombe and Rusero Mitchell, specializes in supplying commercial and industrial equipment, as well as offering services in construction, property development, economic consulting, research, and consulting engineering.

The eviction stemmed from a dispute over the lease cancellation by the previous property owner, which Chimombe allegedly refused to honor. A court order issued on June 29 instructed Chimombe to vacate the premises at No 5 Morton Jaffray Road, Eastlea, Harare, within 10 days. Failure to comply would result in eviction by the second respondent.

Chimombe's troubles escalated following disagreements with Wicknell Chivayo, who claimed close ties with President Emmerson Mnangagwa, over the distribution of profits from the Zec tender. Chivayo, known for his controversial statements, has been derisive towards critics calling for his prosecution.

Previously, Chimombe's company had filed complaints against Zec in 2017, alleging irregularities in a US$10 million tender awarded to another company for portable toilets during a voter registration exercise. Millytake Enterprises contended that Zec's decision would have incurred an additional US$5 million compared to their own bid of US$4.2 million for the same project.

Chimombe's recent challenges underscore ongoing legal and financial difficulties amidst his entanglement in high-profile controversies within Zimbabwean business and political circles.

Source - newsday