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Army Commander declares allegiance to Zanu-PF

by Staff reporter
03 Jul 2024 at 11:23hrs | Views
A video has surfaced online showing Zimbabwe National Army (ZNA) Commander Anselem Sanyatwe declaring his allegiance to the ruling Zanu-PF party. Sanyatwe becomes the third high-ranking military official to publicly support Zanu-PF, following Vitalis Zvinavashe in 2002 and Constantino Chiwenga before leading the 2017 coup that brought President Emmerson Mnangagwa to power.

In the video, Sanyatwe addresses what appears to be a Zanu-PF gathering, warning attendees against voting against the ruling party. He asserts his authority as head of the army, stating that "Zanu-PF will rule forever, whether you like it or not," and threatens to use force against opponents of the party.

The origins of the video have not been confirmed, and it is unclear whether it was recorded before the 2023 general elections or more recently, possibly in reference to future elections in 2028. Sanyatwe mentions "command voting" and gestures as if indicating a physical action, suggesting a directive regarding voting behavior.

Historically, the military in Zimbabwe has been involved in political campaigns, including setting up bases in rural areas and being implicated in cases of violence during elections. This involvement dates back to the era of former President Robert Mugabe, who used military force against opposition activists and during the Gukurahundi genocide in the 1980s.

The video has sparked concern about the military's role in Zimbabwean politics and its implications for democratic processes and human rights.

Source - newzimbabwe