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Zimbabwe General's remarks raise alarm

by Staff reportyer
03 Jul 2024 at 13:16hrs | Views
Lieutenant-General Anselem Sanyatwe's recent statements, asserting "command voting" by the military and declaring perpetual rule for Zanu-PF, have ignited significant alarm and condemnation.

These remarks starkly contravene principles crucial to free and fair elections, undermining the military's expected neutrality in political affairs. The public and state institutions have reacted with outrage, viewing Sanyatwe's comments as a direct threat to democratic processes in Zimbabwe.

In democratic societies, the military is supposed to uphold impartiality, refraining from partisan politics, coercion, or electoral interference. Sanyatwe's assertions of using military influence to sway elections not only compromise electoral integrity but also pose a severe risk of voter suppression, infringing upon citizens' rights to freely choose their leaders without fear or undue influence.

Moreover, Sanyatwe's remarks intensify the politicization of Zimbabwe's security apparatus and deepen the militarization of the country's political landscape. Historically marred by violence, intimidation, and electoral fraud, Zimbabwean elections face renewed scrutiny and concern due to such militaristic rhetoric from high-ranking military officials.

Constitutionally, Sanyatwe's statements directly violate sections 208, 211, and 218, which mandate the military to remain non-partisan, professional, and subordinate to civilian authority. The constitution stipulates that defense forces must uphold the rights and freedoms of all citizens, emphasizing national character and patriotism over political allegiances. The blatant disregard for these constitutional provisions underscores broader concerns about the military's role in safeguarding democratic norms in Zimbabwean governance.

Source - online