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Man stabs dad 5 times for stopping him from raping niece

by Staff reporter
05 Jul 2024 at 16:45hrs | Views
A MAN from Bulawayo's Pumula South suburb allegedly stabbed his father five times for restraining him from bashing his niece who was accusing him of attempting to rape her.

Busani Casper Mlauzi recently appeared before Western Commonage regional magistrate Sibongile Msipa-Marondedze facing an attempted murder charge. He pleaded guilty to the charge. He apologised to his father Flyson Mlauzi (72) and begged the court to forgive him.

"I'm really sorry for what I did. I was under the influence of Broncleer syrup and njengu. I don't know how I stabbed my father. I feel ashamed for what I did," he said.

However, the magistrate convicted and sentenced him to 10 years of imprisonment. Five years were suspended on condition that he does not commit a similar offence within a period of five years. The magistrate said the abuse of drugs was a cause for concern to the country and the Government was fighting hard to end the epidemic.

The magistrate said Busani's behaviour was dangerous to society and had it not been for a family member who intervened and restrained him he was going to kill his father. She said in a bid to send a message to would-be offenders Busani deserved a jail sentence.

The court heard that on 23 March this year, Busani came home drunk at around 11.30pm, entered a room where his niece was sleeping and allegedly attempted to sexually attack her.

However, the alert minor bolted out of her room and sprinted to her grandfather's bedroom. Busani pursued her. The minor screamed prompting her grandfather to wake up and he tried to restrain his son who was all over his niece but things got nasty for Mlauzi.

Busani stabbed him five times, he fell and collapsed. After that, he fled. Mlauzi was rushed to hospital and the incident was reported to the police leading to his arrest.

Source - bmetro
More on: #Rape, #Stab, #Neice