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Job Sikhala, Ngarivhume to lead anti-Mnangagwa protests

by Staff reporter
06 Jul 2024 at 06:52hrs | Views
Job Sikhala and Jacob Ngarivhume, prominent Zimbabwean activists and ex-political prisoners, have formed a coalition to lead potential protests against corruption, resource plundering, and economic challenges under President Emmerson Mnangagwa's administration. They announced their alliance at a press conference in Harare, emphasizing that it's a response to widespread citizen consultations.

Sikhala and Ngarivhume clarified that their coalition welcomes all democratic forces not aligned with or supportive of Zanu-PF. They defined "progressive forces" as individuals or groups committed to democratic rule, constitutionalism, collective decision-making, and prioritizing the people's interests over personal gain.

Both activists expressed readiness to lead protests if demanded by the people, stressing their commitment to non-violent activism. They highlighted the constitutional right to protest under Section 59 and pledged to participate actively rather than directing actions from a distance.

In conclusion, Sikhala and Ngarivhume reiterated their dedication to serving the will of Zimbabweans and their preparedness to face any consequences, including potential arrest, in pursuit of democratic change.

Source - newzimbabwe