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Minister fires warning shots at Harare brothels

by Gideon Madzikatidze/Simbarashe Sithole
08 Jul 2024 at 12:17hrs | Views
Tourism and Hospitality Industry Minister, Barbara Rwodzi has expressed dissatisfaction with mushrooming brothels countrywide, announcing Harare as the main culprit where unregistered 'quickie nests' have become an eyesore which deprive Zimbabwe's prospects for progress in boosting domestic and international tourism destiny, while warn unlicensed facilities that they may face imminent closure.

The Minister has however called on for stakeholders to complement tourism and hospitality infrastructural facelift mechanisms through standardisation and grading systems as a benchmark for registration and promotion of the country's hospitality to become a priority in the wake of forthcoming SADC Summit in August this year.

"We are saddened by some services being offered by facilities which are mushrooming countrywide especially in Harare where everyone has turned their apartments into AirBnB and brothels," Rwodzi said.

"These facilities (brothels and AirBnB) have become an eyesore and do not serve tourists or clients with specific services they purpot to provide. They are actually rob clients of the value they have paid for and there is disequilibrium in terms of amount charged versus available services,"

"Other local hotels have ceased to adhere to the standardisation and grading systems in accordance to the internationally approved standards. They are a representation of a sorry state as they claim to be at five or three star levels, whilst in actual fact, they are true reflection of brothels," Rwodzi added.

"We encourage operators and service providers in tourism and hospitality industry to consider and respect the set standards for hosting tourists being commensurate with the value they had paid for," Rwodzi added.

"Some facilities have become monumental and situated just adjacent to toilets. This has to stop especially considering the monies charged by these service providers which is in total disgrace and daylight robbery on the part of tourists and clients," Rwodzi further remarks.

Meanwhile, Minister Rwodzi said she recognises the critical role that the media plays in shaping perceptions, disseminating information, driving positive change and highlighting natural wonders and cultural heritage, which are instrumental in attracting visitors and investors.

"The perception of the country comes from your reporting, from your writing, from what you say on the TV or radio. You influence perceptions, you also give inspiration and confidence," she said.

"For us to be confident, it is through the media. You disseminate information about our destinations in a way that tells everyone across the world that Zimbabwe is a safe destination," Rwodzi said.

The call was made during the Minister's maiden engagement with journalists in promoting Zimbabwe as a tourism destination of choice ahead of the SADC Summit.

Source - Byo24News