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US$ shortage cripples Bulawayo road works

by Staff reporter
12 Jul 2024 at 04:15hrs | Views
Bulawayo Mayor David Coltart highlighted significant challenges facing road maintenance in the city, citing a shortage of US dollars as a major hindrance. 
He explained to Southern Eye that contractors demand payment in forex, complicating efforts to procure road maintenance materials amidst funding constraints.
Funding traditionally sourced from vehicle parking management revenue falls short of adequately addressing the city's deteriorating road network.

Coltart noted that while some projects funded by Zimbabwe National Road Administration (Zinara) disbursements are in local currency, this often forces the council to engage less preferred contractors or restart procurement processes, causing delays. He emphasized the high cost of road maintenance, estimating that constructing one kilometre of a single carriageway costs approximately US$500,000.

Despite the government's launch of the Emergency Road Rehabilitation Project (ERRP) in 2021, aimed at addressing national road infrastructure deficiencies, Bulawayo continues to grapple with deteriorating roads due to aging and inadequate maintenance. Coltart stated that 70% of Bulawayo's road network has surpassed its lifespan, necessitating around US$700 million for comprehensive repairs.

The city faces an ongoing struggle to attract investment in road infrastructure despite these pressing needs, reflecting broader challenges in securing sufficient funding and addressing the critical maintenance requirements of its road network.

Source - southern eye