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Gwede Mantashe slams 'deputy Jesus' Helen Zille

by Staff reporter
21 Jul 2024 at 10:44hrs | Views
In a recent statement, ANC National Chair Gwede Mantashe has issued a stern warning to DA Federal Leader Helen Zille, accusing her of acting like a "parallel president" and posing the biggest threat to the survival of the government of national unity, TimesLive reported.

Mantashe's comments come in response to Zille's behavior on social media, where she has reportedly been demanding that DA ministers account to her.

"When I open social media, the only worry is when we have a parallel president called Helen Zille outside, who wants DA ministers to account to her," Mantashe said.

The ANC chair went on to caution that Zille's actions could lead to the collapse of the government of national unity if she continues on this path. "We are not going to have a parallel government run by Helen Zille," Mantashe stated firmly.

The DA has not yet responded to Mantashe's remarks, but the situation is likely to escalate tensions between the two political parties.

As the government of national unity seeks to navigate the challenges facing the country, the last thing it needs is a power struggle between its own members.

The ANC and DA have been working together in a coalition government since the 2024 elections, but the relationship has been fraught with tensions and disagreements.

Mantashe's comments suggest that the situation may be reaching a boiling point, with the ANC chair clearly drawing a line in the sand.

As the political drama unfolds, all eyes will be on Helen Zille and the DA to see how they respond to Mantashe's warning.

Will they heed his caution and work towards a more cohesive government, or will they continue to assert their independence and risk further destabilizing the coalition? Only time will tell.

Source - newspanther