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'Zimbabwe ready to thwart all sponsored demos'

by Sgtaff reporter
02 Aug 2024 at 07:28hrs | Views
ANY attempts by foreign-sponsored opposition elements to cause violent protests before or during the SADC Summit of Heads of State and Government later this month will be met with befitting responses from the country's law enforcement agents, Home Affairs and Cultural Heritage Minister, Kazembe Kazembe, has said.

The highlight event at the summit will be the assumption of the regional bloc's chairmanship by President Mnangagwa.

But even as Zimbabwe prepares for this event, Minister Kazembe said it was disappointing to note "misplaced priorities of sections of the opposition who are agitating to stir civil unrest at a time focus should be on hosting the summit".

In the past, the opposition has used international platforms to stage demonstrations and the current threats to foment chaos in the country are familiar, but the Government has assured the nation that everything is under control.

Addressing a Press conference in Harare yesterday, Minister Kazembe said the timing of the push for demonstrations was not  surprising.

"It has historical footprints. We have always witnessed the penchant to mobilise for demonstrations around regional and international events.

"This SADC Summit was, therefore, not going to be an exception. It is clear that the organisers seek to provoke a heavy-handed response from the Government which they assume will attract global attention and put Zimbabwe on the spotlight. We have been through such episodes before and are prepared for the same," he

"The attempts at rendering the country ungovernable will be met with befitting responses. Let those seeking to create an atmosphere of despondency among peace-loving citizens be warned that such antics will not be tolerated".

Minister Kazembe assured the nation that "peace and security is guaranteed".

"Spoilers and anti-development minded forces shall be dealt with decisively. We call upon the nation to ignore the numerous misleading social media messages from opposition quarters. We will go after those pushing for lawlessness, and allow the law to take its course. This country has adequate laws to deal with those bent on lawlessness".

Minister Kazembe added that the Government has a constitutional mandate to govern as Zimbabweans democratically spoke in the August 2023 harmonised elections.

"We will not be apologetic to exercise that mandate given the will of the people through universally acknowledged processes. It is indeed disappointing to note the misplaced priorities of sections of the opposition who are agitated to stir civil unrest at a time focus should be on hosting the Summit".

Minister Kazembe said the Security Cluster is aware of secret meetings that were being held within and outside the country's borders by those who are seeking to foment civil unrest in cahoots with the country's detractors.

He said anti-Government activists should not nurse "a misguided perception that the presence of the international community in the country during the Summit presents them with an opportunity to inflict reputational damage on the country without consequence".

"The Security Cluster is aware of secret meetings being held locally and outside the country by those seeking to unleash civil disobedience. We already know the personalities and the institutions that they front. We are also aware of those giving them logistical and financial support. We have also established their modus operandi which includes hiring taxis to ferry demonstrators," said Minister Kazembe.

The Minister urged peace-loving Zimbabweans to ignore the numerous misleading social media messages from opposition quarters enticing them to partake in illegal demonstrations.

"We will go after those pushing for lawlessness, and allow the law to take its course. This country has adequate laws to deal with those bent on lawlessness. Adequate measures have been put in place to account for and rein in anybody seeking to disturb peace for whatever reason, including the misguided view that only them and their leader should lead the Government. They are an unashamed power-hungry group."

Minister Kazembe said on Wednesday, President Mnangagwa officially opened the 7th SADC Industrialisation Week during which regional industry captains applauded the local industry players, both in the formal and informal sector, for their dedication to making the week a success.

"Our people are generally appreciating the development strides made by the Second Republic, epitomised by massive infrastructural development projects, policy and governance reforms, visible efforts at tackling corruption and various social safety interventions," he said.

"It is ironic and sad that the unpatriotic and anti-developmental opposition seeks to undo these milestones through unnecessary protests, potential looting and destruction of property. The Security sector has a duty to protect national interest in its diverse forms."

Minister Kazembe said it is the Government's role to protect the massive infrastructural outlay that the Second Republic has invested in within the shortest period in power and any attempt at sabotaging the visible developments would be confronted head-on.

"Equally, the security sector remains committed to ensure that the general citizenry continues with their economic and social activities without interruption. Fellow citizens, we note with serious concern the relentless efforts by some misguided political activists who are trying hard to foment unrest and disturb the smooth hosting of the Summit".

Minister Kazembe said while freedom of expression is a fundamental right, it is paramount to observe that enjoyment of that freedom should not be at the expense of the freedom of one's fellow citizens.

"It must be recognised that those pushing for the protest did not exploit internal legal remedies to their purported electoral grievances. They instead think that political power can be obtained undemocratically and unconstitutionally.

"Section 86 (1) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe provides that the fundamental rights and freedoms set out in this chapter must be exercised reasonably and with due regard for the rights and freedom of other persons.

"Freedom of expression does not and cannot mean the right to remove a democratically elected Government from office and to replace it with people or a party elected by nobody. Historically, the opposition has never held any peaceful demonstrations," he said.

Minister Kazembe also assured the nation that apart from guaranteeing territorial safety, Government is seized with championing food security.

"A number of processes have, therefore, been put in place to make sure that no one dies of hunger. The security machinery is on the ground to guarantee peace, law and order, and ensure that progressive Zimbabweans can continue with their day-to-day activities without hindrance," he said.

Source - The Herald