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Churches pray for peace ahead of SADC Summit

by Staff reporter
09 Aug 2024 at 07:33hrs | Views
The Apostolic Christian Council of Zimbabwe (ACCZ) recently held a prayer meeting at the Benjamin Burombo Government Complex to ask God to bless President Mnangagwa as he prepares to assume the SADC chairmanship.

ACCZ also prayed for peace and tranquillity to prevail in Zimbabwe before, during, and after the SADC summit so that President Mnangagwa can shepherd the regional bloc to prosperity.

Speaking on the sidelines of the prayer meeting attended by representatives from all the country's 10 provinces, including bishops of major indigenous churches, ACCZ president Archbishop Edgar Maireva said his organisation wants to thank God for giving Zimbabwe a visionary leader like President Mnangagwa.

Archbishop Maireva says ACCZ also wants President Mnangagwa to remain in office until 2030 to see through his vision of making Zimbabwe an upper-middle-income society.
"President Mnangagwa is a visionary leader who deserves to remain in office until 2030 so that he can take Zimbabwe to the Promised Land.

"He has done a lot in a very short space of time and is on course to eradicate hunger in Zimbabwe through his visionary leadership," he said.
ACCZ national chairman, Bishop Lyphet Nhaudzashe Matenda also said President Mnangagwa is a gift to Zimbabwe and needs the nation's prayers to continue leading with distinction.

Bishop Matenda added that President Mnangagwa's impending elevation to the helm of the SADC region should be a moment to savour for all Zimbabweans as he is poised to take the bloc forward.

Various indigenous churches also praised the President and said the church will continue to pray for God to continue blessing Zimbabwe and its leader.

Source - The Herald