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Zimbabwe police arrested over 200 people during Sadc summit crackdown

by Staff reporter
18 Aug 2024 at 13:53hrs | Views
State of Zimbabwe's major highways worries motorists
Motorists traveling between Beitbridge and Harare or Bulawayo are increasingly frustrated with the unfinished state of major road sections, which have become hazardous and prone to vehicle damage. 

The incomplete roads are not only difficult to navigate but also expose drivers to theft, as criminals have been known to target vehicles on these disrepair-prone stretches.
The Harare-Masvingo-Beitbridge Highway, a significant project that began in 2019, remains about 108 kilometers from completion. Although 472 kilometers of the 580-kilometer route are open, several contractors involved in the project have reported that the government owes them substantial sums for work completed. 

The situation worsened when the government redirected resources to repair Harare roads in preparation for the Southern African Development Community (SADC) summit, leaving the Beitbridge-Bulawayo route in poor condition.
Motorists and transporters have expressed their discontent with the government’s handling of the roadworks, criticizing the incomplete sections as a failure of the ambitious infrastructure project. Despite improvements made to Harare roads before the SADC summit, sections of the major routes remain problematic. 

Local contractors have also threatened to halt work until they receive payment, further delaying the project's progress. The Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure Development has not yet responded to requests for comment.

Source - The Standard