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CCC members conspiring to have Chamisa arrested?

by Staff reporter
19 Aug 2024 at 10:47hrs | Views
The Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC), Zimbabwe's main opposition party, is reportedly grappling with internal discord, as some party members are allegedly conspiring to have their former leader, Nelson Chamisa, arrested.

The plot, according to a high-ranking CCC member who spoke on condition of anonymity, centers around attempts to coerce Chamisa into orchestrating anti-Government demonstrations during the holding of the 44th Southern African Development Community (SADC) summit.

The source, citing security concerns, revealed that the plan was devised by a faction within the CCC that has grown increasingly frustrated with Chamisa's leadership, particularly his cautious approach towards confronting President Emmerson Mnangagwa's administration.

"There's a growing sentiment among some members that Chamisa has not been assertive enough in his opposition to Mnangagwa, they wanted to leverage the high-profile nature of the SADC summit to stage demonstrations that would attract international attention. However, they knew that such actions could lead to severe repercussions, including Chamisa's arrest," the CCC insider explained.

The Insider revealed that when Chamisa hesitated to sanction the demonstrations, citing concerns over the safety of party members and the potential for violent crackdowns, the faction saw this as a betrayal of their cause.

"They felt Chamisa was too cautious, too unwilling to take risks, and this reluctance undermining their party's ability to challenge ZANU-PF effectively,"

"Allegedly, the plan to have Chamisa arrested hinges on creating a scenario in which he is publicly associated with the demonstrations, even if he did not directly call for them. By slotting the protests during the SADC summit, the faction hoped to force the Government's hand, leading to a crackdown that would inevitably place Chamisa in the crosshairs," the source said.

Political analysts warn that such internal conflicts could be detrimental to the opposition's cause, especially at a time when unity is crucial.

"The CCC cannot afford to be divided at this juncture, if these reports of an internal plot against Chamisa are accurate, it speaks to a deep-seated frustration within the party. However, airing such grievances through actions that could lead to the leader's arrest is risky and could backfire spectacularly," said Dr. Raymond Mutasa, a Political analyst based in Harare.

This internal strife comes at a time when the CCC is already facing significant challenges since its dismal loss to Zanu PF during the 2023 Harmonised General Elections.

After the 2023 elections, the CCC has struggled to maintain momentum, with some supporters questioning Chamisa's strategy and leadership style, leading to the split of that party, into two factions.

The latest allegations, if proven true, could further deepen the divisions within the CCC-Chamisa party, leading to a power struggle that could weaken the CCC's standing in Zimbabwean politics.

Source - hararepost