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Imbiber burns neighbour's house

by Simbarashe Sithole
27 Aug 2024 at 13:31hrs | Views
The love of beer and failure to control oneself landed a Plumtree herdboy in jail after he set his neighbour's bedroom hut on fire.

Ndodana Dube (23)was sentenced to two years in jail by Plumtree magistrate Joshua Nembaware yesterday.

Nembaware conditionally suspended one year and also ordered Dube to restitute a sum of $400 for the lost property.

Prosecutor Selestine Madziwa told the court that on August 21 the drunk Dube set Sibonile Ndlovu's (23) bedroom hut on fire around 23:00 hours and went away unnoticed.

Everything in the room was reduced to ashes and a police report was filed.

Investigations by the police led to the arrest of Dube.

Source - Byo24News
More on: #Plumtree, #Herdboy, #Jail