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Ex-ZIPRA combatants to hold meeting on property recovery efforts

by Staff reporter
13 hrs ago | Views
Former ZIPRA combatants are set to convene an emergency meeting to assess progress regarding the recovery of properties seized by the government during the Gukurahundi era in the early 1980s. The upcoming meeting follows increasing concerns and allegations that some of these properties may have been sold off by former PF-ZAPU officials, casting doubt on the viability of the recovery process.

The decision to hold the meeting was prompted by a recent statement from the board of the former ZIPRA/NITRAM, which disclosed that an inventory of the seized properties and a list of prospective shareholders had been presented to Vice President Kembo Mohadi, in compliance with instructions from President Emmerson Mnangagwa.

Volta Ekem Moyo, the ZIPRA/NITRAM Board Chairperson, addressed journalists in Bulawayo, stating, "We now await the decision of the President and further instructions thereto." Moyo acknowledged the accusations regarding the alleged sale of properties, labeling them as unfounded and a tactic by detractors seeking to create division among the ZIPRA war veterans. He emphasized that any individuals found to have sold properties would face the appropriate legal consequences.

However, some war veterans expressed dissatisfaction with the board's handling of communications, particularly regarding the timing of their statements to the media. A veteran, speaking on the condition of anonymity, criticized the board for not first briefing stakeholders before going public with their report. "An emergency stakeholders meeting will soon be held in Bulawayo, where we expect the board to report on the progress they have made so far. We, however, wonder why they decided to rush to the press before briefing us," the veteran stated.

The recovery of ZIPRA properties has been a contentious issue since the signing of the 1987 Unity Accord between Zanu-PF and PF ZAPU. Many combatants are now questioning whether the properties will ever be returned, especially as a significant number of the fighters who contributed to acquiring these assets have since passed away.

Moyo noted that the compilation of the properties is an ongoing effort, with the board having currently identified about 100 properties, while continuing to seek out more. The ZIPRA/NITRAM board was established in 2022 to facilitate the return of the properties.

Following Zimbabwe's independence in 1980, former PF ZAPU leader Dr. Joshua Nkomo mobilized former ZIPRA combatants to contribute funds toward the establishment of Nitram Investments Holdings, which successfully acquired several farms and buildings.

The outcome of the upcoming emergency meeting is anticipated to provide clarity on the board's progress and the future of the property recovery initiative.

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