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Zimbabwe aims to become a key blueberry supplier

by Staff reporter
2 hrs ago | Views
Zimbabwe is celebrating its recent achievement of gaining access for avocado exports to China, but the country's agricultural sector is witnessing growth in other areas as well, particularly in the blueberry industry, which is gearing up for rapid expansion.

This year, Zimbabwe is expected to export approximately 5,500 tonnes of blueberries. Although this figure is still less than 20% of the volumes shipped by its more established neighbor, South Africa, industry leaders are optimistic about the potential for growth in the coming years.

Linda Nielsen, the chief executive of Zimbabwe's Horticultural Development Council, highlighted the ambition to triple blueberry production by 2030. "Zimbabwe's blueberry industry began with small experimental plantings in 2008," she noted. The country made its first foray into the global market with commercial exports in 2017.

By 2023, production had increased to 5,500 tonnes, positioning Zimbabwe as the fastest-growing blueberry producer worldwide. "This year, we expect to increase output to 8,000 tonnes," Nielsen explained. Much of this growth will stem from the maturation of existing plants and improved yields rather than new plantings, which is a reflection of the funding challenges the industry continues to face despite recent progress.

If Zimbabwe can expand its blueberry cultivation from the current 570 hectares to 1,500 hectares by 2030, it could produce as much as 30,000 tonnes. "If realized, this would generate revenues comparable to Zimbabwe's horticulture export peak in the late 1990s," Nielsen confirmed. However, achieving this ambitious target will require substantial investment, estimated at around US$240 million.

Currently, Zimbabwean berries enter European markets through the Netherlands, which serves as a key hub for fresh produce destined for the EU. "Zimbabwe's next major target is to enter the Indian and Chinese markets," Nielsen stated. The Horticultural Development Council is actively working towards establishing a phytosanitary agreement to facilitate blueberry exports to these new markets.

Nielsen emphasized that Zimbabwe's unique climate contributes distinct characteristics to its blueberries, enhancing their size, taste, and texture, making them appealing to premium markets. "Another advantage is that our harvest season runs from May to October, allowing us to enter global markets ahead of many competitors and securing a strategic market window for our berries," she noted.

The country boasts a skilled workforce and high literacy rates, which facilitate the rapid adoption of new technologies. Nielsen remarked, "Because of Zimbabwe's agricultural heritage, we have robust logistics and cold-chain systems that ensure our produce reaches global markets in optimal condition." Additionally, extension services supported by government initiatives and trade partnerships further bolster the industry's growth prospects.

However, Nielsen acknowledged challenges within the industry, including issues related to the policy environment, such as land tenure security, poor road infrastructure in certain areas, high utility costs, and an unfavorable exchange rate system.

To address these challenges, she mentioned that the industry is collaborating with the Zimbabwe Investment Development Authority to establish special economic zones and sector-specific incentives, which would offer tax breaks and other incentives to attract investment. "While energy costs are high, this presents opportunities for investments in renewable energy for irrigation and cold-chain infrastructure," Nielsen added.

With strategic planning and investment, Zimbabwe's blueberry industry is set to not only capitalize on its recent successes but also carve out a significant place in the global horticultural market.

Source - NewZimbabwe