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Zanu PF never helped ANC/Umkhonto wesizwe during Apartheid: MRP tells Ramaphosa

by Stephen Jakes
2 hrs ago | Views
MTHWAKAZI REPUBLIC PARTY has corrected South African President Cyril Ramaphosa for thanking Zanu PF and  Zimbabwe for helping South Africa during the liberation war indicating that it was not Zanu PF and Zimbabwe but, SA liberation fighters were helped by people of Mthwakazi, Zipra and Zapu.

Ramaphosa thanked Zimbabwe and Zanu PF for helping his country during the apathird war during the repatriation of late former Umkhonto Wesizwe liberation war fighters who died and got buried in Zimbabwe during the war.

MRP president Mqondisi Moyo said he was compelled to congratulate the people of South Africa and their government for repatriating the bodies of the heroes and heroines of South Africa's independence.

"The war of South Africa' liberation was tense and intricate to be restricted within South Africa, and to be fought by South Africans on their own. This is why some of the fighters had to die outside their country, hence the repatriation. Well done South Africa for remembering the people who brought you the independence you are swimming in today. Please, don't disappoint the departed by deviating from the ideals of the liberation struggle," Moyo said.

"Second, I am equally bound to set the record straight for the world, South Africa, and especially president Cyril Ramaphosa and the ANC to know. Mr Ramaphosa has been quoted on several occasions thanking Zimbabwe and Zanu PF for helping South Africa on its path to independence. This is totally wrong for the president to do and say."

He said Ramaphosa and the ANC should not bundle people with different origins, different ideologies and interests and history together.

"They should make the necessary distinctions for the sake of historical purity and truth. They should learn to render to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God. In other words, Ramaphosa and the ANC should give to ZANU PF and Zimbabwe the honour that is due to Zimbabwe,  if there is any, and to Mthwakazi/Matabeleland and ZAPU/ZPRA what is due to Mthwakazi," he said.

Moyo said Ramaphosa must avoid crediting Zimbabwe and Zanu for the things they didn't do. He said he must stop taking what belongs to Matabeleland and ZAPU/ZPRA and give it to Zimbabwe and Zanu.

"Yes, he and his colleagues in ANC must shun the devil-driven mistake of taking the children's food and give it to the dogs, as the Bible would put it. Let it dawn on the people of South Africa and the world that Ramaphosa is distorting  the history of South Africa's liberation in broad daylight. It was not Zimbabwe who helped liberate South Africa. Its was not ZANU who collaborated with the ANC to defeat apartheid in South Africa. No, no," he said.

"The African National Congress and its military wing Umkhonto Wesizwe worked with ZAPU and its military wing ZPRA. These organisations, although they seem to bear the seal of Zimbabwe, were not Zimbabwean at all. The Zanu PF government and the people of Zimbabwe themselves proved it in many ways that ZAPU and its supporters, who were mainly the people of Matabeleland and Midlands,  was not Zimbabwean. They have proved it beyond an iota of doubt that Matabeleland/Mthwakazi people are not Zimbabwean. It follows that, even ZAPU and ZPRA were not Zimbabwean. To say that Zimbabwe helped South Africa towards her independence is not true."

Moyo said South Africa and the world should know that aid for South Africa liberation came not from Zimbabwe and Zanu,  but from Mthwakazi and ZAPU/ZPRA.

He said the ANC never worked with Zanu, but with ZAPU. Umkhonto WeSizwe never worked with ZANLA, but with ZPRA. ( For Reference sake ask people like Jacob Gedleyihlekisa Zuma who was in trenches with ZPRA cadres not selling out to White Apartheid government).

"The early battles including that of Wankie were fought jointly by ZPRA and UMKHONTO WESIZWE (MK)against the Rhodesians. MK cadres who had been trained in Zambia were accompanied to South Africa by ZPRA cadres. It was easy for them to fit in with ZPRA and Matabeleland communities due to a common language and culture," Moyo said.

"Part of the reason Matabeleland people suffered the 1983 to 1987 genocide was that Matabeleland, through ZPRA/ZAPU had harboured the ANC/MK cadres. Destruction of ZAPU would mean that the ANC/MK would no longer have support in Matabeleland. That would destroy the MK base. In other words, the almost 40 000 people of Matabeleland  died at the hands of Zimbabwean government in order to advance the liberation of South Africa."

"One of the pronounced reasons, for example, that the Genocide (Gukurahundi) was unleashed was that caches of arms had been discovered in ZAPU properties in Matabeleland and Midlands. Those arms belonged to the MK. They were in the hands of ZPRA but meant to liberate South Africa. They were in transit to South Africa to dismantle apartheid. By associating with the ANC, ZAPU risked the lives of Mthwakazi nation."

Moyo said the Zanu that Ramaphosa is glorifying like a god was working with the Apartheid regime to retard the independence of South Africa. There was good blood between the oppressive government of South Africa and Zanu.

"It was ZANU, working with apartheid government who assassinated Joe Gqabi in July 1981 in Zimbabwe. I wonder how Gqabi's family feels when the current ANC speaks well about the murderer of their relative. The spirit of Gqabi himself must surely be troubled in the grave because of careless, intentional lies being uttered by the current leadership of the ANC who have lost direction. May Gqabi' soul, those of his comrades, those of ZPRA cadres who died with him, and of the people of Mthwakazi who perished during the1983 to 1987 genocide rest in eternal peace," he said.

"Hatred of Zanu for the ANC was further demonstrated at Zimbabwe's independence in 1980. The ANC was denied asylum in Zimbabwe by the very government and party that the ANC today is appreciating, depicting as a saviour. Zanu preferred to work with the PAC instead, and the PAC was just an extension of apartheid political organisation. Even if Robert Mugabe and Zanu sounded to be condemning apartheid during the day, behind the scenes they were comrades who shared a common goal of aborting the ANC's dream of liberating South Africa. Since the ANC was an ally of ZAPU, destruction of ANC would require that ZAPU be destroyed too. Destruction of ZAPU, however, could by no means leave the people of Matabeleland unaffected."

Moyo said the people of Mthwakazi suffered from the hands of Zimbabwe, the Apartheid government of South Africa,  Britain, the USA, Tanzania and other Western powers that were opposed to true freedom and that of South Africa.

He said both ANC with it's military wing UMkhonto WeSizwe and Zapu with its military wing ZPRA suffered for the support millitary support they got from the then Soviet Union ( USSR) now Russia, yet Zanu got its support from China and the West.

"History will judge you harshly Mr Cyril Ramaphosa.  Let the spirits of true fallen liberators like Chris Hani, Olive Tambo, John Langalibalele Dube, Albert Luthuli, Winnie Madikizela Mandela never give you peace. You are a disgrace to the black majority of South Africa.  Being a conduit to the white monopoly against your own black people for the love of money," Moyo said.

"Let South Africans know that  they got nothing from Zanu. Their help came from ZAPU and Matabeleland people. Let them know that the  people whom they are insulting as "Makwerekwere" are the very people who shielded them from the enemy' blazing guns, and brought them to independence. If only this fact dawned on South Africa,  our people, the people of Mthwakazi would be treated differently in South Africa because, it is because of them that South Africa is what it is today: an independent republic."

Source - Byo24News