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Zanu-PF youth leaders get motorbikes

by Staff reporter
1 hr ago | Views
Zanu-PF youth leaders from Masvingo's seven administrative districts have received motorbikes from President Emmerson Mnangagwa, a move aimed at strengthening party mobilisation efforts and ensuring the ruling party remains the dominant political force in the province.

Youth leaders from Masvingo, Gutu, Bikita, Zaka, Chiredzi, Chivi, and Mwenezi were presented with the motorbikes by the Zanu-PF provincial chairperson,  Robson Mavhenyengwa, during a ceremony held at the party's provincial offices in Masvingo City.

In his remarks,  Mavhenyengwa expressed gratitude to President Mnangagwa for the generous donation, noting that the motorbikes will significantly enhance the mobility of youth leaders as they work to recruit new members across the province. He also highlighted the critical role the motorbikes will play in ensuring the concerns of young people are brought to the forefront.

"These motorbikes were donated by the President when he came to Masvingo City and launched the Munhumutapa National Youth Housing Project. They will be very handy in the mobility of youth leaders as they traverse the length and breadth of our province while mobilising new members,"  Mavhenyengwa said.

He emphasized that the motorbikes will help youth leaders gain a better understanding of the challenges facing young people in the province, facilitating more targeted solutions and engagement.

 Mavhenyengwa praised President Mnangagwa's leadership, describing him as a leader committed to the people and dedicated to his mantra of "leaving no one and no place behind."

"That is why we are saying, as Zanu-PF Masvingo province, we want President Mnangagwa to rule this country until 2030 so that he sees through his vision of a prosperous and middle-income society in Zimbabwe," he added.

The motorbike donation is expected to bolster efforts to expand Zanu-PF's grassroots support in Masvingo, as the party continues its push to maintain its political dominance in the region.

Source - The Herald