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BF residents fear tower light will fall on houses

by Staff reporter
3 hrs ago | Views
Residents of Barbourfields in Bulawayo are living in fear as a tower light, compromised by stolen metal bars, teeters on the brink of collapse, endangering nearby houses and community members. The instability of the structure has prompted urgent calls for action from the city council to prevent a potential disaster.

A resident who identified himself as Gumbo expressed deep concern over the situation, stating that the metal bars meant to stabilize the tower light have been stolen. "The tower light can fall at any time because the bars that are meant to keep it intact were stolen," he said. "If a strong wind comes, the tower light will fall, causing huge damage to the surrounding houses. It's been two weeks trying to talk to the city council, but there is no action."

Another resident highlighted the risks posed to local schoolchildren and soccer fans frequenting the area. "That tower light is posing a great danger to learners from nearby schools," he said. "It will do lots of damage because there is a stadium in that area, and people park their cars there."

Ward 2 Councillor Adrian Rendani Moyo confirmed that he is aware of the issue and has been informed by residents. "I have been notified by the residents. I also notified the local authority to intervene," Moyo said. "When we notify the local authority, we get reference numbers that will help us to do a follow-up. So I am going to meet with the responsible department today (yesterday) to find out what they are planning to do."

As the community awaits a response from the city council, residents remain anxious, hoping for prompt action to secure the unstable tower light and ensure their safety.

Source - newsday