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BREAKING NEWS: ZANU PF Councillor Threatens Court Officers with Axe to Resist Eviction from Umguza Farm

by Staff Reporter
2 hrs ago | Views
In a shocking turn of events, ZANU PF Bulawayo Ward 1 Councillor, Josiah Mutangi, is embroiled in a dramatic standoff after defying a court-ordered eviction from a farm he has unlawfully occupied for over two years. Mutangi, who seized control of Rosebank Farm Number 10 in Umguza on July 1, 2022, under a lease agreement with owner Zephaniah Matiwaza, is accused of failing to pay a single cent of the agreed $250 monthly rental.

Court documents obtained by The Crime Tribune reveal that Matiwaza, frustrated by non-payment, successfully secured a court order on February 14, 2023, compelling Mutangi to pay $1,000 in outstanding rentals, and further directing his eviction. The court also ordered Mutangi to pay $8.33 per day in penalties from November 1, 2022, until the date of eviction.

However, on October 4, 2024, when officers from the Office of the Messenger of Court arrived at the farm to serve the eviction notice, they were met with chilling threats. According to eyewitness accounts and a damning video obtained by our newsroom, Councillor Mutangi brandished an axe and brazenly threatened to kill the officers if they attempted to remove him from the property. “I am ready to die with one of you rather than leave this farm!” he shouted, his voice echoing across the farm as he waved the weapon menacingly.

The Messenger of Court's office, clearly alarmed, issued a nulla bona return of service, effectively noting that Mutangi is not only refusing eviction but also has no fixed assets that could be seized to recover Matiwaza's losses. This revelation suggests the embattled Councillor may soon face even more severe legal consequences. Matiwaza's legal team is already moving to apply for a 90-day civil imprisonment order and a contempt of court ruling against Mutangi.

Maqhawe Mpofu, a lawyer from Samp Mlaudzi and Partners representing Matiwaza, did not mince his words when condemning the Councillor's conduct. "It is unacceptable that an elected official, a Councillor no less, sworn to uphold the law, has become a thug—a lawless individual violently wielding an axe to resist a lawful eviction. This behaviour cannot be tolerated, and we will ensure our client receives the justice he deserves," Mpofu said, his tone cold and sharp.

Adding to his troubles, Mutangi is now at risk of having his entitled residential and commercial stands from the City of Bulawayo—his reward for public service—seized once they are allocated to him. Legal experts have indicated that these assets could be attached to offset his debt to Matiwaza. Moreover, his allowance from the Bulawayo City Council is also in jeopardy, with possible garnishment looming over his head.

This scandal has sparked outrage within the ZANU PF ranks, with several party officials distancing themselves from Mutangi's actions. Some have accused him of abusing his office and tarnishing the party's reputation. “Councillor Mutangi's behaviour is an embarrassment to ZANU PF. He is using the party's name to shield himself while engaging in these thuggish activities. This is not what our party stands for,” an anonymous party insider fumed.

As legal and political pressure mounts, Councillor Mutangi's once-prominent position in Bulawayo's political landscape now stands on the brink of collapse. With his threats captured on video and mounting calls for his ouster, the question remains: How long can Josiah Mutangi defy the law?

Source - Byo24News