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Granny bludgeoned to death for 'cursing' family

by Staff reporter
2 hrs ago | Views
In a tragic case driven by superstition, a 27-year-old man from Marozva village, Shurugwi, has been sentenced to 18 years in prison after fatally bludgeoning his 94-year-old grandmother, whom he accused of cursing his family.

Takudzwa Mugariri appeared before the High Court sitting in Gweru this week, charged with murder as defined in the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act. The court heard that on February 3, 2024, Mugariri went to his grandmother's homestead and confronted her, accusing the elderly woman of being responsible for the misfortunes, suffering, and poverty experienced by him and his siblings.

In a fit of rage, Mugariri set fire to his grandmother's clothes and traditional medicines before arming himself with a log. He then struck the nonagenarian multiple times, inflicting fatal injuries.

The gruesome attack led to the death of the elderly woman, whose name was not released by authorities. A police report was subsequently made, and Mugariri was arrested.

During the court proceedings, it was revealed that Mugariri believed his grandmother had cast a curse on the family, causing their ongoing hardships. Despite the defense citing Mugariri's belief in witchcraft, the court found him guilty of murder, sentencing him to 18 years imprisonment.

This case has sent shockwaves through the local community, highlighting the dangers of deeply entrenched superstitions and their potential to drive individuals to commit heinous acts.

Source - NewZimbabwe