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Zanu-PF leader in fuel tender scam

by Staff reporter
2 hrs ago | Views
A Zanu-PF District Coordinating Committee (DCC) member in Zaka is under fire for allegedly failing to deliver 9,000 liters of fuel paid for by the Zaka Rural District Council (RDC) over the past three years. Confidence Mukau, Zaka's DCC Secretary for Women Affairs, is accused of obtaining a tender to supply fuel to the council in 2021 but only delivering part of the agreed fuel before closing down her service station.

Sources within the local authority revealed that Mukau, who was renting a fuel station in Jerera, was contracted to supply 20,000 liters of fuel to Zaka RDC. While 11,000 liters were delivered, the remaining 9,000 liters, which had already been paid for, were never supplied. The station later shut down, leaving the council without the fuel it had purchased.

Repeated efforts to reach Mukau for comment have been unsuccessful. Her cellphone was reportedly unreachable, and when she did briefly answer, she remained silent. Further attempts to contact her have been met with similar difficulties.

Zaka RDC Chief Executive Officer (CEO) David Majaura was non-committal when asked about the issue, saying he needed to verify the figures before confirming or denying the allegations. "Not sure of figures. I need to verify the issue. Be patient," said Majaura.

A source within the council disclosed that Mukau's fuel company, MITMIC, was responsible for the missing fuel. The council had reportedly sent several letters and held meetings with her, but promises to deliver the outstanding fuel were not fulfilled. "We wrote letters and had several verbal communications from the Procurement and Administration departments. We also held meetings, and promises were made, but were not fully implemented," the source said.

Despite the scandal, some council insiders allege that political factionalism within Zanu-PF is obstructing efforts to address the matter. Mukau is reportedly aligned with Clemence Chiduwa, the Zanu-PF Zaka DCC Chairperson and husband to Zaka RDC Chairperson Fungai Maregedze. This relationship is said to have played a role in the council's reluctance to act against Mukau.

One source explained that when the current group of councilors, led by Maregedze, came into office, they criticized council management for poor operations. Management, however, blamed the failure to collect debts, including Mukau's unpaid fuel supply, for the council's financial difficulties.

Maregedze, who is currently out on bail after being arrested by the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission (ZACC) on abuse of office charges, denied any wrongdoing when contacted for comment. She insisted that following up on debts was not her responsibility and rejected claims that she had interfered in the matter. "I am not aware of any list, it's not the council chair's duty to follow up on debts," said Maregedze.

Maregedze also dismissed the fuel scandal as media fabrications aimed at tarnishing her reputation, adding that the matter should be taken to court. "I saw the issue in the press, but it was all lies, it's just character assassination. They should simply take the matter to court, at least there are magistrates who try people, not newspapers," she said.

Tensions have reportedly escalated within the district, with Mukau allegedly attempting to mobilize Zanu-PF youth and faction members to protest against Maregedze's arrest, accusing council management of orchestrating her downfall.

Factional divisions within Zaka's ruling party structures are said to be hindering development in the district. Zaka's factions are reportedly split between supporters of Zaka Central legislator and Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Davies Marapira, and those loyal to Zaka South legislator and DDC Chairperson, Clemence Chiduwa.

As political wrangling continues, the district remains one of the least developed in the country, with essential services and progress taking a back seat to internal power struggles.

Source - TellZim News