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Zanu-PF MP blames opposition for loss of livelihoods

by Staff reporter
4 hrs ago | Views
Parliament has urged the government to conduct a comprehensive investigation into a spate of fires that have recently devastated informal trading spaces and buildings in Harare. The call for inquiry follows a significant blaze that engulfed Mbare Musika early last week, resulting in substantial losses of merchandise valued in the thousands of United States dollars.

The Mbare Musika incident was compounded just days later by another fire at a shop along Fidel Castro Road, near a high-density area, attributed to a suspected electrical fault. These events have reignited concerns over the frequent fires that plague the Glen View Area 8 home industry complex, which has proven vulnerable to such disasters.

Zanu PF Member of Parliament for Rushinga, Tendai Nyabani, expressed his concerns in Parliament, attributing blame for the fires to the opposition, which holds control over Harare's local governance. This assertion sparked interjections from legislators from the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC), who contested his claims.

Nyabani lamented the significant losses faced by local businesses, emphasizing the importance of learning from past incidents in Glen View, where fires have become an annual threat. "This has resulted in people losing a lot of properties worth millions of dollars. For instance, Mbare is a place where people eke out their living in different businesses. We should have learned from what was happening in Glen View, but we are not learning any lessons until people lose their valuables," he said.

He extended his sympathies to the affected communities and called for accountability, stating that the government must investigate the circumstances surrounding the fires to hold those responsible accountable. "I do not know who represents the areas. The mayor should give an explanation as to why we find these fires destroying people's livelihoods and their properties. Councils are failing to discharge their duties in terms of putting out these fires," Nyabani added.

Acting Speaker of Parliament, Raymore Machingura, acknowledged the importance of the issue raised by Nyabani and requested the Ministry of Local Government to undertake a thorough investigation into the recent fire incidents. "Hon. Nyabani, you brought quite a pertinent issue regarding the destruction of properties, and from your request that the Minister of Local Government should investigate those fires is a good suggestion. I believe that our clerks have noted that," Machingura stated.

The calls for investigation come amid growing concerns over fire safety regulations and the adequacy of local government response in protecting informal traders and their properties from recurrent fire outbreaks.

Source - newzimbabwe