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Ibbo Mandaza appointed acting SG of Global Pan-African Movement

by Staff reporter
1 hr ago | Views
Zimbabwean academic and publisher, Professor Ibbo Mandaza, has been appointed as the acting secretary-general of the Global Pan-African Movement (GPAM) following the passing of Professor Ikwaweba Bunting on October 3, 2024. The decision was made during a GPAM meeting held today in Arusha, Tanzania, where Professor Cheryl Tawede was also elected as the acting deputy secretary-general.

In an official statement released by the GPAM Secretariat, the organization expressed deep sorrow over Bunting's untimely demise, highlighting his contributions to the Pan-African movement. The meeting’s unanimous decision to elect Professor Mandaza and Professor Tawede underscores the trust and confidence the movement has in their leadership capabilities.

Professor Ibbo Mandaza, a respected figure in academia, has a long-standing history with the Global Pan-African Movement, having participated in several congresses, including the 6th Congress in Dar es Salaam in 1976 and the 7th Congress in Kampala in 1994. He has also been a member of the Governing Council of GPAM and is a promoter of the proposed PanAfrika Graduate University, which aims to serve as the academic and ideological home of the movement.

Source - online